2024  1

March  1

Building and Securing Rails apps: Deploying with Docker on EC2, SSL with Cloudflare, and Domain Integration

March 22, 2024 · 1032 words · 5 min · rails

2023  16

August  4

Improve deployment infrastructure & experience with 12 factor

August 28, 2023 · 0 words · 0 min · gsoc

GSoC Week 12

August 20, 2023 · 200 words · One minute · gsoc

GSoC Week 11

August 13, 2023 · 208 words · One minute · gsoc

GSoC Week 10

August 7, 2023 · 469 words · 3 min · gsoc

July  5

GSoC Adventures: Week 8 & 9

July 30, 2023 · 311 words · 2 min · gsoc

GSoC Week 7

July 23, 2023 · 260 words · 2 min · gsoc

Improve deployment infrastructure & experience with 12 factor: Phase 1 Report

July 8, 2023 · 1860 words · 9 min · gsoc

GSoC Week 6

July 7, 2023 · 238 words · 2 min · gsoc

GSoC Week 5 at CircuitVerse.org

July 2, 2023 · 309 words · 2 min · gsoc

June  5

GSoC Week 4: Distributed Tracing and Runbook Development

June 25, 2023 · 309 words · 2 min · gsoc

The Ultimate Guide to Distributed Tracing: Monitor your Rails app using Opentelemetry, Jaeger and New Relic Agent

June 25, 2023 · 467 words · 3 min · opentelemetry gsoc

GSoC Chronicles: Week 3

June 18, 2023 · 317 words · 2 min · gsoc

Hitchhiker’s Guide to GSoC: Week 2, Don’t Panic Edition

June 11, 2023 · 642 words · 4 min · gsoc

GSoC Week1: Migrating assets to AWS S3

June 4, 2023 · 244 words · 2 min · gsoc

May  2

Community Bonding Period at CircuitVerse.org

May 28, 2023 · 523 words · 3 min · gsoc

My Journey to GSoC 2023 with CircuitVerse.Org: How I Prepared and Applied for the Program

May 5, 2023 · 901 words · 5 min · gsoc

2022  2

December  1

Customising Notification Events in Rails

December 13, 2022 · 428 words · 3 min · notifications circuitverse

November  1

Probability Distribution with Python & JavaScript

November 3, 2022 · 391 words · 2 min · statistics