GSoC Week 10

August 7, 2023 · 469 words · 3 min · gsoc

Week 10 (7 August - 13 August)

Hey there! Let’s dive right into the exhilarating events of Week 10. Buckle up, because this week was packed with insights, developments, and a dash of future planning.

GSoC Contributor Talks: Learning from the Experts

GSoC Contributor Talks: Evaluations & Final Submission Guidelines with GSoC Admins

It is awalys fun attending the GSoC group google meets, where the program managers - Stephanie and Perry share their insights and intructions about the program. They are super helpful. And you would be suprised to know that the GSoC program is run only by these two. A program with about 1000 students, 2k mentors from nearly 60-70 countries, its all done by them.

Participating in the GSoC group Google meets is always delightful. The dynamic duo of program managers, Stephanie and Perry, took the stage to share their insights and provide program-related instructions. This session was incredibly informative, and they even showed some code samples of final work submission. It’s fascinating to learn that these two individuals manage the entire GSoC program, orchestrating a symphony of around 1000 students and 2k mentors hailing from nearly 60-70 countries.

As always, the admins didn’t shy away from offering practical advice. They shared valuable insights on navigating the final submission phase. This included strategies and tips to ensure a successful conclusion to the project. For a visual sneak peek, check out this snapshot:


Applying for Internships 💼 & Deploying to Kubernetes ☸️

But wait, that’s not all! Week 10 wasn’t solely dedicated to the GSoC project. I was also busy exploring and applying for various intern positions. As I ponder the possibilities that lie ahead, I’m at a stage where I’m keen on finding the type of companies that align with my aspirations and values. It’s like sifting through a treasure trove of opportunities to find the perfect fit.

Also I applied for various internships during this time, I am still at a point where I am figuring out what type of companies I work with, on this I had a brief discussion with my mentor during one of the GSoC meets that fairly provided some insights.

In the midst of this journey, I had an enlightening discussion with my mentor during one of our GSoC meet-ups. Their insights and advice acted as a guiding compass, helping me navigate the landscape of potential internships. It’s incredibly valuable to have these conversations with a senior software engineers who has walked the path before and can offer a wealth of perspective.

I’ve even succeeded in deploying CircuitVerse to Kubernetes. I’m currently working on refining the configuration, but that’s more of a side project rather than a core part of my main project. Now, I must confess that achieving perfection requires time, and so does the process of fine-tuning the configuration.