Customising Notification Events in Rails

December 13, 2022 · 428 words · 3 min · notifications circuitverse

🎯 GOAL: Customise notification events With reference to issue #3395 & PR #3396 in Circuitverse There were two methods to make this work - To make a preferences table with users as foreign key and notification events as attributes. To user rails ActiveRecord::Store and add a preferences hash/jsonb to users to table. I found the second approach better and implemented the same. It was most used by rails developers to implement such features.

Implementing Notifications in Simple Discussion Gem

January 1, 1 · 158 words · One minute · notifications circuitverse

🎯 GOAL Adding Notification Events to Simple Discussion Adding two new notification events: Notifying Admins on a new thread post Notifications to users that have subscribed to the thread New Thread notification: This sends notification to all moderators about a new thread, so that they can respond to the query asap. For example in the following for all admin users, moderators so that they can resolve the query asap. eg: ref, both the admin user receive notification when user1 posted a new thread.